Tea calms heart

Aug 17, 2008 11:44

Taking a break from the annoying Australian history debate about frontier conflict, I checked LJ and read 0_cheonsa_0's post about the Monkey Head album she ripped for me. So I'm all "okay, then let's add it to the playlist" and I realise I can't find it ANYWHERE o_O
It was on my desktop before the semester started, and I should have moved it to my music folder. But it's not there with the other musicians that start with 'M'.
I even did a search for any file or folder with 'monkey' in the title. Nothing.
*insert mini-panic scene*
I scrolled through the music folder again and then. Under 'T'. "The 2nd Phase Of 멍키 헤드". *twitch* That's what I get for forgetting what language I typed the band name in...

life, music

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