I'm not exactly in the greatest mood at the moment...

Sep 04, 2007 01:21

While looking for a possible other course to take, I came across Seminar on Modern International Political Diplomacy. This looks like an interesting course. If only the required textbook wasn't Baylis & Smith. Because I already own Baylis & Smith! GRAH! I doubt they'd approve this course anyway...
Nationality & Citizenship sounds good but pity I've already taken that back in UNSW. *dies*
Am I desperate enough to try International Negotiation and Trade Diplomacy? Hmmm, maybe not...
Damn you Baylis & Smith! Damn you for writing that textbook! Also damn everything else that clashes with Korean...

Also, what is it with bad English & fanfics? Is there no good fanfic with good English around? How about understandable? With less than 20 grammar mistakes in 1 page? And why does this always happen with pairings I like? And let's not get into the rarity of fanfics of pairings I like.

Why can't all fics be written as interestingly and eloquently as these four fics here. The 3rd fic has Bleach spoilers if you know nuts about the story.

I think I should sleep and not think for a while...

uni, fanfic

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