To RO or not to RO

Jun 15, 2007 13:50

That is a really good question. Should I pay $12.99 for 1 month of RO? That's $15.98 in AUD.

RO uses a pathetically small amount of bandwidth and if I'm ROing, the chances of my d/ling stuff and surfing the net are much lower. Therefore I will, in some weird logical way, save bandwidth. Because I couldn't help but watch 3 episodes of Trick the other night...

Alternatively, RO makes me stuck in front of my laptop for long hours on end. Of course if I get the 1 month subscription I can let my characs sit and heal while I rest my eyes, but... I don't do that... Also, RO makes me more anti-social because I don't want to not play, seeing as how I've already paid for it.

This is all because Paypal finally decided to let my $50 in... Or I would be doing something useful, like packing my room or knitting...

knitting, paypal, gaming

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