Big post since LJ didn't work for me last night...

May 26, 2007 15:23

First of all, congratulations to nescienx on graduating~~~

Beating the system in China, even though the one-child policy is important to prevent overpopulation.
Will coffee offset the amount of red meat I eat?
And yay computers.

1. What is your favorite board game?
Toss up between Game of Life & Scrabble

2. What is your favorite card game?
Gin rummy

3. Do you like to play games on the computer or on a gaming system?
Depends what kind of games. Simulations and RTSs are better on computer, but RPGs and time-wasters are more fun on a gaming system.

4. If so, what is your favorite game to play?
I'm still obsessing over Ragnarok Online & Starcraft with a bit of Command & Conquer on the side.

5. Do you like to play games with people or to play them alone?
Dependent on game. Some games are just better alone, some with people.

And from schizofragile~

Name 12 Bands You Like-

1.: Seo Taiji
2.: Nemesis
3.: Eve
4.: Larc en Ciel
5.: Nell
6.: Due le Quartz (sadly, disbanded...)
7.: Good Charlotte
8.: Iron Maiden
9.: The Swimmin' Fish
10.: Cherry Filter
11.: Michael Learns to Rock
12.: Zwei


Does 6 have a cute lead singer?: Yesh~~~ Sakito <3<3<3~~~
Is number 8's songs played on your local hits station: Nope
Is number 1 your favorite band?: Yes
What genre of music is 11?: Rock ballads
Does 4 have a hot drummer?: Yesh~~~ Yukihiro is love~~~
Is number 7's guitar player also their lead singer?: Kinda? Because sometimes Benji sings, and I know Joel can play guitar...
Are number 9's songs depressing?: Not particularly. Her voice makes the songs all "power to me!".
What is your least favorite song by 3?: Honestly? Ghost School.
Do your parents approve of number 10?: I don't think they've head any of their songs before.
Do most of your friends like number 2?: Sadly, not enough as exposed to the love.
How many CD's have number 5 put out?: 5 albums
Is number 12 a good role model?: Why not? There need to be more women in rock. And well, they've both got really cool hair XDDD

-Favorite Songs By Each-

Number1:: Nan Arayo, F. M Business, Victim, Shidae Yugam, Nae Mamiya, Gyosil Idea, Hwansangsoge Gudae, everything he has ever wrote and yet to write
Number 2:: Rose of Versailles, Somsatang, Boy meets Girl, do I need to type out every song
Number 3:: I'll be there, Someday, Goodbye (both old and new), Swear, lots and lots more
Number 4:: Blurry Eyes, Niji, Dive to Blue, Hitomi no Juunin, every song!
Number 5:: Goyangi, Sijakui Kkeut, all their songs are made of win
Number 6:: Utakata no yume, Lily for You, Jisatsu Ganbou, I wish they were not disbanded...
Number 7:: The World is Black, My Bloody Valentine, The Anthem, The Motivation Proclamation, Where Would We Be Now, March On, GC is love love love
Number 8:: I'm not gonna bother listing them out, you might as well read the discography...
Number 9:: Ddeonaboryeoga
Number 10:: Ggum ggeu nuen Sailor, Snow Man
Number 11:: Every song XD
Number 12:: Fake Face

1. Your Middle Name: I have none
2. Age: 23 this year
3. Single or Taken: Single
4. Favourite Movie: Labyrinth
5. Favourite Song or Album: GC's Good Morning Revival
6. Favourite Band/Artist: Seo Taiji
7. Dirty or Clean: Clean
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: Standard ear piercings. I want a tattoo.
9. Do we know each other outside of LJ? Nope
10. What's your philosophy on life? Make the best of what comes
11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty? Half-empty
12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Yes
13. What is your favourite memory of us? Er... Sebin? XD
14. What is your favourite guilty pleasure? Melted chocolate
15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I'm surprisingly normal
16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarky) - what are they? Happiness, Wealth, Warm food
17. Can we get together and make a cake? If we were in the same country, yes~
18. Which country is your spiritual home? Singapore
19. What is your big weakness? Procrastination
20. Do you think I'm a good person? Yes
21. What was your best/favourite subject at school? Languages (except Chinese...)
22. Describe your accent: I can be very Singaporean if I want to. Otherwise, it's either accentless or very faintly Americanish.
23. If you could change anything about me, would you? Nope, you are you
24. What do you wear to sleep? Clothes. No, seriously it's cold so long-sleeved tee and track pants
25. Trousers or skirts? Skirts
26. Cigarettes or alcohol? Alcohol. The smell is easier to get rid of.
27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? Nemesis marathon
28. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? Just change the answers~

Hmm did I leave my rechargeable batteries in Singapore? I can't seem to find them in my room.
Brother is online! *checks with Brother* And they aren't on my table in Singapore... Wonder where I put them... 4 'AA' GP-brand rechargeable batteries don't just up and leave. they?

But anyway, due to procrastination over writing Korean oral exam speech and before my batteries gave out, I snapped photos~~~

quiz, geek, life, gaming, friday five, news

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