I should be asleep

Feb 03, 2007 02:14

But some things just ask to be noted down, even if they are incredibly pointless.

So I was watching the Survivor Reunion. But during the superbly long commercials that Channel 5 always have, I accidentally ended up watching the night owl movie on Channel U. At first, it seemed like a very cheesy Hong Kong martial arts film starring Leon Lai, with bad Mandarin dubbing.

Me: Wait... It has a Dual Sound option. Interesting.
*presses A/B*
Me: Why are there only cheesy special effects and no one talking in this movie?
*changes back to Survivor*
*immediately changes back to unidentified movie*
Me: O_O Is she using katars to fight?!?! *blinks* ...yes...
*insert rant at lack of talking in movie*
*loses patience and watches Survivor*
-next commercial break-
*back to the weird movie*
Me: Is the obvious villian speaking Japanese? Stop growling start talking! *throws pillow at TV*
*checks newspaper for movie title*
Me: Dream of a Warrior. Ohkay, cheesy-sounding title... *turns attention back to TV* The actresses don't look Japanese. And what's with the katars?
*wonders if the movie is a silent movie*
Me: Ahhh the Princess speaks! (o_o) ...she's speaking Korean... (O_O) This is a Korean movie...
-after pointless fighting and special effects-
Me: Why is Leon Lai in this movie?

I watched all of the Survivor Reunion and still managed to get the storyline of the

Dream of a Warrior (천사몽) is a pretty lousy movie. It's got a really weird storyline...

movie, life

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