Long overdue update~

Oct 10, 2006 10:03

Was in Canberra over the weekend with UNSW, MqU, USyd SSAs. Had a good time, met really great people. Extremely tired.

I bought Puyo Pop at EB Games before the trip so Nina & I had a game to play together. And because it was $47.95 at EB. I obviously didn't wait for Puyo Pop 2.
And hmmm, whoever said something about no Winning Eleven on DS will have to eat their words... Either Nan or Pat-Pat... Because Winning Eleven DS is going to come out...

Also, new Pinkys~ Wild Arms Vth Vanguard Pinkys. So cute~~~ *wants*

Last week's Friday Five that I want to do because it seems nice.
1. If you could have a super power, which one would you have? I'd like to manipulate an element. Water would be nice~
2. What would be your supername? Katastrophe
3. Who would be your arch-nemesis and what would be their superpower? My arch-nemesis would be Mayhem, wielder of Fire.
4. Who would be your sidekick and would they have a superpower? My sidekick would be Sotong, a happy emo whose looks could get away with murder.
5. What would be your motto? Never fight on an empty stomach.

Exchange application is on its way to getting done~ I paid my $200, printed and verified my academic statement, got all the approval and signatures for my subject choices, and dropped off my academic reference thingy with Dr Shin during my break on Monday. Resume is already done and financial statement already gotten, so only left online application and statement of purpose to do. Whee~ Go me!

life, uni, gaming, friday five, pinky:st

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