(no subject)

Jun 13, 2006 21:51

I bought the Reds tee that the Koreans here in Sydney are all wearing~ XD
And Pansy can't get over Japan losing. I don't blame her tho... So throw face for Asians lor...
So... Korea! 아자!

Anyway, Pansy and I watched Xmen3 & Omen. Beware spoilers of sorts...

Xmen3 was good. I saw Stan Lee. But sorry, nescienx, I missed Jubes. Unless she wasn't wearing her trademark yellow. Then I think I know which one she be. I didn't see Psylocke... I needs the DVD.
Gah the Bobby/Kitty! I don't like Bobby/Kitty! I like Peter/Kitty. And Warren is luff~~~ Much feathery luff~~~
Erm, and they gave themselves nice little plotholes to be able to make more money if they wanted to... Just with no more Scotty or Jean. Or Patrick Stewart.

Omen was okay. Western horror movies don't scare me much so yeah... Good music, nice build-ups, and graphic deaths tho. But oh poor Julia Stiles! And David Thewlis! The ending was really good.

movie, world cup

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