Apr 18, 2009 07:45
I am waking in the night, which is something that rarely happened to me before cancer treatments...
Now I am often awake at 4:30...and generally I don't go back to sleep...which makes for a long day.
Last night, knowing how late I'm going to be in hot gyms today, I got up and took more pills for my back...
They allowed me to go back to sleep from about 5:00 to 6:30...and then Dix woke me up...
I really need to get back to sleeping, as I believe it is a big part of why I'm as healthy as I am. I've always managed restorative sleep, even when my life was imploding...okay...maybe not every night at that time....but I never stayed out of restorative sleep long. This is the longest cycle I've experienced.
The problems...
Back and Neck Pain...
Arm Pain...
Strange smells and sounds coming from the kitchen...(they never used to wake me)
Strange smells that I can't locate in the house once I'm up...last night it was the smell of burning plastic...and I could only smell it when I was in bed...turned facing one direction...(west, if that is significant to any of my shamanic friends)...
The HOT FLASHES are the result of the Tamoxafen...and the Drs are extremely excited that I'm having them, because it means the drug is working to keep my estrogen levels low, so any stray cancer cells can't set up shop someplace else in my body...
So those I have to just deal with...
I don't have many ...maybe only 3 or 4 a day...and almost always one around 4:30 at night...but they are becoming more intense. I'm sure I used to have them before...I had one summer when I had many many many very intense ones every day...but at night they rarely woke me...
NOW they do...either because they are worse, or because I'm already on the edge of not being deeply asleep.
The Back Pain I'm hoping will subside shortly...The Chiro is doing something completely different, as my back has been twisted at an odd angle for sometime now. Result is my tail bone felt like it was bruised...and the side of my back that normally doesn't give me grief...it was not happy. So I'm trusting that it will settle back to what I know.
The best way I can describe the pain in my back is that someone set off a grenade at my low back...which separates my four quadrants...when I wake up...it is like I'm spread across the bed...and to move I have to find and then gently, because it hurts, draw back in the separate quarters...Once I get them all back...then I have to move them as a whole, and that hurts the place I've brought them all together at...
I know, it sounds weird..even to me...but I can assure you, that is what if feels like...
If I didn't have to move, I could leave myself splattered all over the bed and be fine.
My neck is my new back...I'm having all the same kind of problems with it, that I used to have when my back problems were new...weird issues with my arms...sometimes one, often both...and the chiro was amazed at how little mobility I have left...I'm not, because I work with it every day...and it just doesn't flex any more...and it doesn't laterally flex without a big warm up...
Today is good on the lateral flexion...but even on a good day, flexion is an issue and it sets off my back.
I'm getting tired of my whining...but sometimes if I just say it, then it diminishes its power over my day...today...it is to diminish the fact that I'm not fully rested... and I have a busy weekend...followed by a busy week, followed by another busy weekend. Until Basketball if finished, I'm not going to have a lot of quiet weekends to recover from the weeks. We'll see how well I cope.
The arm pain...combination of neck issues and lymphedema. Some days are better than others.
And I don't have a clue what to do about the smells...well the ones that aren't really there anyway. I've asked Anton and Steph to try to not burn things in the early morning hours...but really...who tries to burn their dinner in the first place. They feel badly when they wake me up.
OH...and late night phone calls...they feel badly about those too...and they had better bloody well not happen, or I'll be less than pleasant and accepting about them. 1:00 is rude...3:00 is reason for a nuclear reaction.
And so, having whined on top of my whining, it is time to get my son and I off to Newmarket. I hope the gyms are airconditioned...