Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --
I am trying to find a new domain for my website. Still no succes -_-;; I am not rich and can't miss much from my bank account.
Finally I am satisfied though, with the new layout I have created. Finally! XD I am not going to mess around with that, in total it took me a week to finally get a result to find good enough to be used as my layout. Thought about the new things I could place up there, which I have, but people will just have to wait and see what that is! ^^
My boyfriend and I are saving up for our own little house, we wont be ready or done with saving up in about three years or even more. That's because I have still college to finish and let's face it. Getting a house and maintaining it, is really expensive!! But as soon as I have a real steady job, our savings or at least my part, will grow much more!! XD
Which is G R E A T... just takes to damn long. LoL
Can't wait though, going home from work or letting the dog out. Or even when the rain comes pouring down, I close my eyes and imagine us sitting in our own little worm house. A dream so great! ^_^
Well, g2g and do the dishes! Buh Bye now!!
xxx WyZ