Oct 09, 2007 16:48
I have more interesting views at my worksite, but I don't get to take pictures in the facility. The one thing I really want a picture of the biohazard signs. I need to look online for some.
The picture today was from the lunchroom at the offices that are closing at the end of the year.
I have made requests for training ok all the sites and to get hazmat training. I am hoping to get all trained up as fast as possible so I have lots of options available. I would be very happy to transition into the pharmaceutical company if/when things change there again.
I have worked 2 weekend shifts and one swing at my site, & 1 day shift at the office site today. I have one more tomorrow, and a grave at my site re day after. I may need to work the day shift too, and that would mean a grave up north too (because the guy training me today might call out sick if he get to feeling much worse).
I now have lots of paid time to study. Now I need to get the things to study lines up....