Reply to this meme by yelling Words! And I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ/blog and explain what they mean to you.
These come from
cancer - Oy. I hate cancer. It has really done a number on my family. For starters, I've lost my dad, my step-mom, my uncle, another uncle, my step-grandmother, my maternal grandmother, my grandfather-in-law, and my cat to it. I've watched friends struggle with various forms - thyroid and breast mostly. Lymphoma and colon cancer seem to get most people, though. The others have a decent survival rate. I'd like to see all of them have a decent survival rate, though. Heck, I'd like to see it gone. I am pretty firmly of the opinion that everyone dies from cancer. I don't like that. I want it to change. I donate money where I can. I encourage others to donate money when they can. I
fund raise for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and have every year since I lost my dad.
birth - As much as I hate cancer, I love birth. Birth is my passion. It was life changing for me. It took me from an experienced and analytical engineer to a passionate and empowered mother, humbled by the power of my body and what I could withstand and produce. I think that every woman that has a desire to have children should try to really experience labor. It is a very formative experience. Today we schedule everything, right down to the day our babies are born, and it's taking away from what can be a truly empowering experience. I have seen women doubt their abilities to birth without intervention or pain medicine, only to push through labor without anything other than the reassurance that they are strong enough to do it. It changes them and only for the better. That said, I support a woman through labor however she needs that labor to go. Some women need the medication to be empowered. I cannot pretend to know enough about them to know their past and what events have shaped the sexual being they are today. My job is to support and empower a women through the labor she wants, to educate her about her choices and help her make informed decisions. I love my job. I get to watch women blossom into warriors and mothers and babies enter the world. It's truly astounding and I consider myself truly lucky that they let me be a part of their lives in such an intimate and formative way.
breastfeeding - I love breastfeeding, too. To me, it's a natural extension of having the child. Truly, I don't understand women that won't even try to breastfeed. Women that fear the failure of breastfeeding and won't even make an attempt really frustrate me. My therapist told me to never make a decision out of fear. I believe every woman without a medical condition that precludes breastfeeding should try. I don't even ask my clients if they plan on it; I just assume they will and state as much in every interview. I have yet to be disappointed. I breastfed my daughter for 4 years and my son for 3 and counting. There are so many physical and emotional benefits to breastfeeding. I hate that formula is so easy to obtain. I hate that we give it to every mother in the hospital. I hate that we set so many women up for the fall by giving them an easy out. The benefits of breastfeeding are clear. The benefits for extended breastfeeding are compelling. For most women, there are few to no drawbacks. I just don't understand why so many won't even try for fear of failing; even one feeding can be so beneficial. Every ounce counts.
knitting - My mom taught me to knit as a kid. When I was in Japan, there were so many nice yarns and cheap needles that I wanted to learn again. Between my MIL and some books, I did. I have no fears about needles or patterns and believe I can do anything that I want to. Now, being able to and being compelled to are very different things... :)
NKOTB - The first CD I ever bought was NKOTB's first album. I had a couple of their posters on my wall. I never got to see them in concert as a tween, though. My girlfriend from college coerced me into going fangirl and chasing them around Texas on the last two stops of their tour. It was fun, but so very exhausting. I realized that I love going to concerts and listening to the music, but I can so miss the following the band. Roadie, I am not.