Sooo, where'd the summer go?

Aug 19, 2005 22:52

Okay, so I practically have not updated all summer. I know, pretty sad, being I've not had too many pressing matters on hands. So I'll divide it up...sort of...

Work: There was a period where I worked for 3 weeks straight. That sucked, but the checks were nice. Very nice. Now I'm more back to normal. I actually don't have to work until this next friday...A WHOLE week off!

Transportation: I finally got my own ve-hicle; a '95 VW Golf. Black. Cloth interior. I just got a nice CD player put in (the radio that was in the car when I got skipped every time I went over a bump, or just when it felt like it..yes, the radio). Oh, and it also has a steering wheel, etc...ok, I'll stop. This car just made a 5 hour trip to NJ, then to NY, and then back home. It's called My/Mack's "little tin can."

Friends: Hmmm, haven't seen too many of the school friends this summer. I've seen Alise the most, and we had tons of fun at her new house. I've been meeting tons of new people this summer (Non-GHS'ers). I prefer out-of school friends sometimes, because then there is always something new going on. Maybe that's juuust me. And Kelsey, my bestest friend - St. Mike's this year for you. I'm gonna miss you tons.

College Search: I just looked at Iona College in NY. It was pretty nice, and I liked it alot, but I'm going to be looking at a few others this fall. My top so far I thiiink: Syracuse NY, B.U. MA, and Iona NY. But there might be more... It's hard to find the right college because I want my major in Advertising anf Marketing.

Schoolwork: I took the SAT Prep course in July at school. Yippie. AP Work...wellll...I decided that I am actually not doing AP English - I know, a shock....but I reallllly wanted to take Myth & Imagination. But I am taking AP History, and the work, well lets say that it is currently ongoing.

Vacation time: I took from Monday to Friday off and went with my tin can, and my oldest brother, Craig, to NJ, to visit the relatives. It was tons of fun because I had not seen any of them for a very long time. My cousin has the cutest baby, Jason. I saw my nana, and sat by the pool, and in the pool, and in the hottub. I went with my cousin Liz to the most insanse mall in the whole world. This mall was like the millionare mall. I was bigger than our Mall of NH, but every single store was high class. Like I'm talking Gucci, Prada (they had storeguards in there - like bouncers), Fendi, Chanel, Armani, D&G, Louis V., Jimmy Choo and Via Spiga (drooool-shoes), stuff that practically no one can afford. There were tons of $500 shoes that I was drooling over...sigh. And the people there (that came into the stores), were SO snobby and mean. And then yesterday I went to my aunt's and uncle's Jersey beach house for the day. I came back today. Overall, a very wonderful time.

Summer Music & Movies: Batman, Wedding Crashers, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, maybe more. Favorite was Wedding Crashers. Music, I just got a bunch from my cousin. Favorite artists of the summer: The Killers, Black Eyed Peas, The Beatles, Coldplay, U2, Dispatch, Xavier Rudd, Weezer, Jack Tripper, O.A.R., Donovan F., Norah Jones.

Life at homey-home: Not too amazing, not too bad. Had a fight with my dad before my vaca, but what's new? My brothers, fine as always. There's nowhere to park. Warning to all: when you come in my driveway, you either block a few cars in, or a few cars will block you in.

Other stuff I've done this summer:
~ Saw Alise's new house, and had fun hottubbing.
~ Started running more, because I'm doing cross-country in the fall. Oh yeah. Me. Ask to Mr. Hartung if you don't believe me.
~ I cleaned my room, realllly cleaned it.
~ I can home at 5 in the morning, more than once, and my parents didn't notice.
~ Overheated my tin can, and the coolant thing almost exploded.
~ Got really freaked out over the college process.
~ Realized that there are nice, and then, crap guys. Wait, I already knew that. What I mean to say is that I've found some really great guys friends that I can hang out with, and friends is better right now.
~ Convinced my parents to get cable and good internet service. That just took about forever.

Okay, as to not bore anyone too much, I'm ending. Some of you, I may not see until school starts, some I may see before. Some college-bound I will not see for a quite a while. Good-bye, and good luck!

See you all around!
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