Defiance Ohio and a bouquet of kindness

Aug 22, 2006 23:44

I read something today - that kindness is inherently difficult - rarely to people do something solely for the sake of another - their own private motives aside. Isn't that the way we're made - I suppose you could have a dozen different scientists arguing their points and some equally emphatic religious zealots doing their best to counter each argument. I think of my gram - she is a rare find for me. Kind of like the unbroken sand dollar on a Jersey beach. She's as christian as they come, rarely misses sunday school and church even less. And although she may have judgements she always seems to find the shiny lining.... she always finds the bright spots in life.

Tonight I watched a movie, and for a long time - just watched. I marveled at this woman. I wish I new my mother the way these kids seemed to get their mother. I suppose I wish for a good deal of things. I loved this movie, the power of now, down to just eating lunch with as a family inspite of everything.

I would like to think that kindness isn't that rare but I suppose it is... I know i'm missing it a good deal of the time... I know i brush by things quickly without noticing. I blame a busy schedule... I should be a lot of things that I'm not but then again... i suppose everyone says that. So instead I'll just try a few things... being a better friend at the top of the list right beside being a better person - although better is one of those infuriatingly special words. I'll try a few things... and give more of myself to this world - to 'be the change I wish to see in this world'
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