
Apr 20, 2011 12:00

Sorry I haven't been around, folks. Life's been crazy-hectic here as of late. Noah's more or less fully moved in, though successfully keeping Taliesin here ended in a huge flop. Noah insists he's better off at the old place, where he's happy and can be comfortable. And away from a hissy, spitty whippersnapper like my Gizmo. XD;

My room (rather, our room) has been pimped out with new tech, including an HD TV, PS3, XBox, and two desktop PCs. I'm still using my lappy since it's mine and I loves it precious; however, as the number of computers increased, so did the need for another desk. I gave Noah my old desk and chair and he bought me a corner desk and smaller chair. I'll post pictures eventually, probably after I clean up a bit.

We're still planning on getting a car at the beginning of May. My original urgency has been quelled, as I apparently am being put through clinical orientation again. Just as well. This means my classes have paired up again, thus eliminating the possible need to pay for the final course out of pocket. So while it somewhat puts me back, it really doesn't affect me negatively. Everything's in there, I just have to take the quiz again, attend the seminar, and bam. Instant success. This also means I can focus primarily on my elective course, alternative and complementary medicine. Just as well, too. I have three chapters, plus two online ones to read this week alone! Good thing it's interesting stuff. I know what I'll be doing today!

On the commissions front, I've gone out of order and have been doing the ones that come to me the fastest. But then, I've never been very linear about my methods when I have a lot of commissions. I often say first come, first serve, but it ends up being a hot mess where everyone is given something at one time. That's the ideal, anyway. Insofar, I have two of Jody's more or less finished and the pencils for Jem's first pic out (looking good, too!). I have an idea for his third picture as well that I'll be trying to hammer out today. I imagine I'll be leaving myself open to focus entirely on Jesse's in the end, as his is somewhat complex and will demand my full attention. Fortunately, I can give it, given my course schedule. I might even open up for more after these are through. I enjoy having them to do; it keeps my work ethic in tip-top condition.

Today Noah and I will be going to my doctor, me for new scrips and Noah so he can get a closer PCP. Things were a little rocky at first, as when Noah called the doctor, he, the doctor rather, was a bit abrupt. I figured Dr. Heinrich was just busy with after-hours paperwork (he doesn't seem to have any help on the weekdays and now that I know how much goes into running a practice, my sympathy is off the charts) and didn't have a moment to be professional. Agreed, hanging up on a potential patient is bad manners and not professional at all, but harriedness can make anyone unprofessional, I think. It was all settled in the end, though, as we'd caught him just as he was leaving and scheduled the appointment for today. Heinrich seems to like me and was far more polite upon seeing Noah in my company. We'll be heading out there soon. At least, as soon as I can get him out of bed. XD

Much of today will be spent doing some of the reading for CAM, then working on commissions. No seminars are scheduled for tonight. I have one tomorrow and another on the 26th. Hopefully, this term will be swift and more focused now that life is less topsy-turvy. Here's hoping!

Now to wake the beast and be on my way. :3

daily life, commissions, noah, studies

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