Oct 20, 2008 07:09
On pure whim on Saturday, Scott and I traveled the two and a half hours to fetch Matt to come stay with us for the weekend. Scott's parents were (and are still) away on a camping trip; ideal for a little one night party. One night for me, anyway, since I work this morning and never would've been able to get up in time or well enough had I stayed there last night. Also sleeping sandwiched between them was hard enough the one night! I was warm and toasty, yes, but it was awkward to try and shift between two rather large guys. Nevermind getting back into bed! XD
We roamed around the mall a bit yesterday, had some malts, then went back to the house to get the Nerf guns to have a little war in the park. That was fun, but I need to exercise more before I can keep up with those two. I'm so very very out of shape. XD;; Nevermind I was shivering the entire time despite wearing Scott's fluffy Leon coat. I might have to break out the heavier coat this morning. I'm sure it's frigid out there. Or at least cold enough to me to warrant my heaviest jacket this early in the year. I might swap to pants for the winter since finding heavy skirts is getting harder and harder to do. Just glad I'll be doing the majority of my hair growing this winter. Long hair is always useful in chilly weather. Shit, I'm cold enough now to be wearing my heating pad! I really need to clean out the corner of my room and put my heater up. It's getting to be too cold. Might have to do that this week on my days off. Course, I have no idea where I'll be putting half of this stuff. Probably most of it will go back on the bookcase while the rest will be shoved into the closet in a very awkward way.
I'm not too concerned about today dragging. My morning shifts might slow down a little, but they rarely drag. No, those are my night shifts, which hopefully I'll be done with for awhile after this week. Working a mid on Saturday will be interesting. Hell, things are already picking up even just sitting here.
I told Scott to drop Matt off at work between 11 and 12 so I can have my break with him. Thankfully Matt has his laptop with him and won't be completely bored while he waits for me to get out of work. After that, it's off on the road again! Scott's lending me his GPS for the trip since the way down is a bit screwy. My view on those things have changed. It was very useful. I just can't have it be high up on my window so that it blocks my ability to shield my eyes from the sun. Nevermind I'd rather it be on my eye level so I don't feel like I might crash if I have my eyes upward too long.
We're probably not going to bother with the con next weekend. Matt's life, as it usually does, has turned completely upside down, forcing him to find a new place to live. He'll be needing to save his money for that. I also have a few things I need to get and pay for with this week's paycheck. Need more supplies, have to give Dad my share for Mom's birthday present, and need to buy new long sleeve shirts for work. I can't keep borrowing Serena's. I might find some black and white turtlenecks just to keep warm. I'd rather be slightly stuffy than shivering.
Twenty minutes. Not gonna bother with makeup today. I don't need it. My skin could stand to breathe now and again. Okay, I think that's it for this entry.