Oct 12, 2008 15:45

Gods, I have no idea what to do with myself today. I'm so used to being at work right now, or just coming home from work. My schedule is wonky this week and next week. I had to give one of my days away since there were too many hours. I feel like I should remind Dot of my limit and how serious it is. If she wants me to cover for people, she'll have to keep it under twenty or at twenty. My paycheck from last week had me at forty-one hours. If it doesn't happen often, I doubt the government will be like 'Oh you worked one hour over! DENIED.' and take my disability away. That needs to go away on my terms, not theirs. I might love my job and all and could see it becoming a full time dealie, but not omgrightnow.

My Thursdays have been all but robbed of me. I still work them, but not at my usual hours. I suppose dealing with 4-10 is easier, but *sniffles* I won't be able to see Ian for as long! *emotear* Just as well I'm all for becoming his student. I have to remember to give him a ring either tomorrow or Tuesday and let him know when I'd like to begin. Which will, unfortunately, have to wait till after MangaNext, but it gives him more time to finish soundproofing his basement and figure out a schedule that would suit him. Okay, maybe I just want to talk to him sooner than Thursday. Sue me for having a crush. XD;;

On the subject of MangaNext, I have successfully pulled a costume together! OMG! inorite? Pretty crazy. It was mostly Matt's idea, but I've been meaning to do one of Jill Valentine for awhile. No, it's not her skirt and tube top dealie. It's an alt costume from the REmake. I don't think anyone's ever done this version that I've seen and I've been to a lot of RE photoshoots. I don't care if it's a small con. I'll just bring it back out should I actually manage to attend Katsu in Febuary. I'm just glad I can tuck my hair up under the hat. It would've been a pain in the ass to emulate Jill's short hair with how mine is now. I do have plans on trimming it so it's one length someday, but my bangs need to be longer before I do. I doubt that'll happen by Febuary so using the same costume will be ideal. I ramble.

Thankfully, my dreams about work have stopped. I dreamed last night but I don't remember any of it. Little disappointed it wasn't anything about Wesker since I was watching stuff with him in it. He's so reluctant to be ravaged by me in dreams, I swear. Oh yeah, that's because the only person Wesker loves is Wesker. XD How silly of me to forget! Hehehe.

I bought so much goddamn candy yesterday. CVS had them on sale for 99 cents apiece. I couldn't resist! I have to remember to get candy for my favorite people the week of Halloween. Boss's Day is also this week. I might have to grab something for Dot since she's awesome. Need something for Jossmir, too, since he's equally awesome. Hey, he's still technically my boss. I have no idea what to get either, but I'm sure I'll think of something. I might just make inquiries when I see them before Thursday.

Yay, listening to upbeat music is really helping me perk up. I guess I was just going through a sleepy phase. Or I just had no idea what to do with myself. I'm still not sure what to do. XD Maybe I'll consider drawing something shiny. Most of my work as of late hasn't been very sparkly. I could stand to do something cheerful.
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