Oct 09, 2008 10:13
I was poking around on DA and came across an artist who redrew old pictures in order to track her progress. I thought this to be a cool idea and will probably be giving it a try myself later on. Sadly, I have very few of my old works still available save online, but I can use something I have lying around. When Serena found my old sketchbook from '02 and '03 I was overjoyed. I can poke around in that and find something to duplicate. Even better is I can take it to work with me so I can start it on my break. :3
Man, I need a better bag. My Go Green bag is all kinds of ratty. I grabbed my FMA bag to take with me today since I have extra stuff to lug around. I can't remember if we bought the bag at work or at a con. I know we used to sell it at work, but that was many years ago. I doubt anyone there now remembers. Kind of silly to be concerned over my purse of all things. Shit, will it even fit in my locker? Probably not. XD Guess I'll leave it on the couch like I've seen Chinyera do with hers. Not like I work with a bunch of thieves. They wouldn't get much out of me, anyway. I never carry cash beyond what I get in tips that day and the rest are art supplies.
I hope no one catnaps Henry again. I'm so silly, worrying about the welfare of a plush kitty. XD I can't help it, I love our little mascot. <3
Don't have much time to babble this morning. I think I'll be going to the bank tomorrow to unload my tips into the coin machine, depending on how much I get tonight that is. If I don't get a large amount, I won't bother until next Friday. I'm trying to discipline myself to wait till the C bank is completely full. It shouldn't take long; besides, whatever I save will most likely help me for little costs during MangaNext.
Okay, gotta clean out my mug and GTFO. Later!