Ups and downs of my day

Sep 22, 2008 02:09

Work went well enough, save for this one customer who wasn't exactly obnoxious, just annoying. He'd ordered one of our sandwiches and had brought it back twice, claiming it was cold, or 'raw' as he put it. I think I may as well have set it on fire in front of him before he was satisfied. Thankfully he wasn't angry or anything; more like perplexed.

I finished training today as well. No more obnoxious workbook to deal with. Jossmir was genuinely surprised that I'd gotten through it so quickly. I suppose he should've expected that I would be swift considering my previous experience, but eh. It was nice to surprise him, even if his shock could've been taken as an insult. Thankfully, I'm no longer than paranoid or defensive. Maybe now I'll be free to memorize the recipes without having other people do them for me. I still hate the iced/blended drinks. I am not having them at my own place. Iced tea and regular iced coffee, fine, but none of that blended nonsense. If you want a milkshake, go to McD's. You'll find none of that frou-frou nonsense in my establishment. *haughty sniff*

About a half-hour before my shift was up, someone over the headset told us we had a call on line one. Chinyera picked it up and declared it was for me. Thinking it was Mom or something, I picked it up. "Get off the phone and turn around." was all I heard, so I did, and lo and behold, Chris, my old and absolute favorite co-worker from the old school cafe days was sitting in the dining area. I launched myself from behind the counter and gave him much hugs. Ironically, I'd been wondering what had happened to my old barista buddies, in particular him since I more or less hated everyone else (not you Noelle, but you probably could've guessed that). It was a lovely surprise. He said he'd come into the store looking for a birthday present for his 'sister' (he's adopted an 'extra' family; she's included obviously) and mentioned she liked the How to Draw Manga books. I told him that he was free to follow me back home and I would give him my entire collection for free to give to her. I not only saved him about twenty-five bucks, but saved her some one or two hundred so on collecting the things. No covers since I hated them, but he didn't care. I also threw in the Prisma markers I'm not using anymore (with the exception of the grayscale ones; I use them still) and another book I had no use for as well. When we were at the house, I showed him my Asuka/EVA collection and asked if he knew anyone who might want them. He said he'd give them to her as well, which was fine, but considering they'd been intended for selling, I charged him a puny fifty bucks, a whopping $150 off my intended price. Not like I would've expected him to whip that much out, nevermind I saw no need to charge that much of a friend.

Before, I'd asked him what he was up to today, aiming to suggest we hang out and catch up. It turned out he was attending her birthday dinner that evening and invited me. Free hibachi? I'm there! I was also excited to see her reaction to the mountain of gifts. I won't go into full details about the dinner (that's boring and my ADD is kicking in), but she definitely loved everything, declared me the most awesomest thing that has ever awesomed, and insisted that Chris should've introduced us sooner. I had to laugh at that. During dinner, I told them I would take them to Mitsuwa on the fourth when I had a free Saturday. She was thrilled at the idea, eager to experience real ramen and other Japanese delights. I also said that if she wanted, I would accompany her and Chris to an anime con, even though I've sworn them off. I enjoy going to cons with new people; they help things seem new to me again and it's fun to watch their reactions. She said she'd always wanted to cosplay Anthy so I said if I could do it, I'd be Utena. And everyone here knows how much I've been dying to cosplay Utena, but never had an Anthy to go with me. (Or a Dios/Akio for that matter) I imagine I'd have to commission the costume, but that's okay. One last hurrah, I suppose. Yes, I know I'm a horrible, awful hypocrite. I've known this for awhile. XD

The only damper on these wonderful reunions and events is my damn teeth are bothering me. I have to contact the dentist in the morning for x-rays and hopefully some antibiotics. I believe it's abscessed, like all of my molars eventually become, and will need to kill the infection and relieve the pain. I was miserable on my break. I somehow survived my shift and then dinner before coming home and crashing from the pain. I missed out on meeting Debbie's current boytoy, but I think he'll live. I wouldn't've been good company anyway. The tooth in question is throbbing slightly right now and will undoubtedly assault me with owies before I wake up, but I expect it. I'll just take more meds before sleeping again, which I think might be soon.

On the plus side, I have fifty bucks to play with now, but I'm not gonna go crazy. I do need gas and a few personal items before I can get anything shiny and completely unnecessary. XD Though if I can, I'd like to find different tops for work. I can only recycle my two button-downs so often, especially when I work three days a week. I also kinda want another pencil skirt, just for variety. My pants are fine, no need to add another to the wardrobe. I also hope we decide on a theme for Halloween so I can get things in advance. I hate last minute stuff. I only hope I'm on the schedule for it, which I should be. My days seem to stick to Fri-Sun, with some Thursdays and Saturdays off. I also do a midshift next week! How's that for a change? No closings next week either. I have to survive Saturday this week before I can enjoy that, though. I'm really not one for closing shifts anymore. They drag more than before and run too high a risk for me to trespass over my hour limit. Unfortunately, I can't really avoid them until we get a few more people. I'm fine with working weekends, but I'd rather a morning or mid shift if I can. I'm not about to make any scheduling demands; that's too much. I'm sure they would listen, but I'm not gonna press my luck. I'm the one in debt to them for giving me my job back, not vice versa.

Okay, molars starting to act up. Time for more meds and more sleep. I have no reason to be awake now, anyway.

Oh yes, I finished BO2 tonight so now I can resume work on my fic, yay! :D


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