Title: Torchwood et la Bête
wynkat1313 Pairing(s) Team, Jack/Ianto, Tosh/OC, references to Gwen/Rhys
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Enticements: Some mild violence, a near death, romance, and a whole lot of colored lights
Spoilers: Anything is S1 is fair game as this takes place about mid S2
Prompt: Jean Cocteau’s
La Belle et la Bête (
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Comments 1
Does Avenant know things he's not telling? I'm not sure if he's hiding things or simply doesn't remember whho he really is. At times he seems to be pointing the Torchwood Team in the right direction, but at others he seems to be concealing things. Or maybe that's my imagination at work. Can't help wondering if it was Avenant himself who was with Hillary on that day, and whether he knocked her out and took the crystal horse, then made sure she wouldn't remember. I still can't tell whose side he's on, but I fear for Tosh, I don't want her getting her heart broken again.
The team at least seems to be making slow progress, but will any of it be enough to help Jack?
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