Hello all,
I have a project brewing that I need some assistance with and I am hoping you all might be able to help me with the first stage of things.
As many of you know, or have figured out by now, much of my writing deals with spirituality, since I also write fanfic and adore Science Fiction I have set for myself the task of looking at where
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Another thing I can't give specifics on (oh wait...the episode of Glee where Quinn's father found out she was pregnant) I think Christianity in particular is given a really bad rap by Hollywood. They always go to the far right and depict Christians as "those freaky religious people" and frankly I think they give most of us a bad name. We are not ALL like the fundamentalist far right -winger father in that episode that says his daughter is going to hell because she got pregnant and throws her out of his house and refuses to let his wife speak to her anymore. To portray that as the typical Christian is repugnant.
I'm not saying there aren't Christians like that out there because there are, but not ALL of us are like that. But I would say the vast majority are normal every day people just trying to live their lives the way Jesus did - loving their neighbors, giving to charity, helping those who are less fortunate, and trying to raise our children to be giving and kind and not judgmental (okay maybe that's just me LOL).
Okay..stepping down off soapbox now of where religion/spirituality is portrayed badly.
One of the things I adore about Numb3rs is that the main characters are a Jewish family but that its only a minor part of the whole thing. Its not shoved in our faces, its just woven in as part of who they are an how they are living their lives.
These are some of things I am looking for in Science Fiction - because its who I am I guess, a spiritual person who is also a sci-fi fan. I'm looking for that place where embodied/lived/practiced faith coinsides with Science fiction.
Oh I like Numb3rs too. Haven't watched it in a while, but it's a good show.
Hmmm...I'll have to give that some thought, a show where faith/etc just is ...
"OH yes, I didn't mean to imply that Christianity is the only religion/spirituality/faith they malign, they have a very bad reputation for just about anyting."
I know hun :) Hollywood and the media like to go after all of us. *sigh*
Yes, they do like to go after everyone. *HUGS back*
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