Adventure day in ICU

Mar 11, 2011 23:29

Wynkat was doing better so they decided to reduce her sedation levels. Let me back up a bit... Wynkat is In The ICU, heavily sedated with a tube down her throat. Her hands are tied to the bed for her safety.

Today around 3pm she some how got her hands free and lucid enough to reach up and yank the tube out if her body. This of course did not go over very well with the ICU staff. They found out she can't breath on her own. This means she was put back on. The ventilator They uped her oxygen and sedation. The nurse insisted on sitting next to the door so she was in eyesight to make sure she does not do it again.

I am reading to her so if there is something you want me to read to her I will be happy to.

Thank you for all your support
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