(can't sleep... cats are trying to kill me... okay not really, but it feels that way... which is why I am awake waaay before my body wants to be. nap soon, I hope)
I spent the better part of yesterday posting stuff on my website! Finally, finally, finally I have the gallery loaded for all the currently availible dolls! And I have links set up between those dolls and the
artfire shop as well as from the shop back to the website! woot. which means of course - I'm going to inflict them on you... er... show off :)
So... The Gallery at Sacred-seeds.net is
Here. there you can see:
JB the technicolor Dream Horse - named after you know who...
several Oya dolls, two Oshuns, two steampunk ladies, two wiccans and two greecians.
I also added my ritual resume to the
Artist section and finally put content into the
Healing section, including my article about being friends with people with allergies and MCS.
I still have content to add to the Spirituality and Writing sections, as well as add pages for all of the sold dolls (though there is a page up for Boob Chicka Boob Boob, cause really, how could I resist?) ... but there is only so much my brain and fingers can do in one day!
You can also look at some of the dolls this way:
mirthreverence Unique Gifts