Intro Post

Feb 21, 2020 10:02

My profile has gotten so long that it's annoying even me. Time to plop some of that into a sticky post. My first. *iz excited* What? I'm easily entertained. :D

Me in a nutshell... )

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jessm78 February 22 2011, 00:14:27 UTC
Yay, sticky post!

I can't stand the character bashing either. I had to defriend one person (well, not really, but she created a new LJ and I just didn't friend that one) because she got way OTT with her Dean bashing early this season. I love both boys so much and hate when they're bashed unfairly.

I can't stand actor bashing either. On the subject of the wives, I'm fairly indifferent towards them and sometimes OTT gushing about them kinda gets under my skin, but different strokes for different folks and I won't give anyone a hard time if they do it. I'll just skip past their comments. :)


wynefred February 22 2011, 03:35:18 UTC
Heh. I'm a gusher. Especially when I'm in certain moods, and especially if talking to another gusher.

Sorry you had such a bad experience with bashing. I left a fandom several years ago for the same thing. It's sad.

Hope you feel at home here, though! Glad to have you around!


jessm78 February 22 2011, 12:59:34 UTC
Aw, I hope I'm not harshening your squee by being a non-gusher. :D It's just not a topic I have much interest in (and not that I'm a J2 slasher or anything - just not all that interested in their personal lives in general, if you get me).

Thanks. I had the same experience in another fandom, too. Not only was there character-bashing but people that shipped a certain way harassed me continuously. I had to scale back my involvement a lot (and the show has been off the air for a few years now, so all the talk has died down a lot anyway).

I'm sure I'll enjoy myself here, thanks! :)


wynefred February 22 2011, 13:50:13 UTC
Nope. No harshing here. Unless of course you tell me to "be quiet you squeeing gusher" or something. And I can't imagine you doing that, so it's all good.

Not interested in their personal lives? That's cool. Unfortunately, I'm one of those who can't get enough of hearing about the actors' lives, though I do try to walk that delicate balance between soaking it all up and respecting their privacy.

My problem with my former fandom wasn't as much the slash shipping, though that was an issue. The main problem for me back then was that I wasn't a shipper in general. Even het shippers can get viscous if you don't agree with their specific pairing. Sometimes I just don't understand the anger we as people can have toward each other. *shakes head in confusion*


jessm78 February 22 2011, 14:03:29 UTC
Yay. :D LOL, no I would never do that.

Yeah, I mean a few little details I'm okay with, like music they like or whatever, but I usually don't go further than that.

That was the same problem with my former fandom. I was a het shipper, but I didn't ship onscreen (I just stretched my imagination into the realm of fanfiction *g*). There was a fanatical contingent of other het shippers who insisted their way was the right one and would harass everyone else. On another website I had to report a couple of people who kept targetting me. It didn't help that one of the producers of the show apparently loved the ship as well and would actually get ideas from these shippers about what to put into the show. *sigh*


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