Hello...o...o...o! Anybody there...ere..ere...ere?!

Nov 07, 2017 08:06

Uhm, so... hi! Any of my friends still out there in LJ world? I kinda decided to dust off my account and reconnect. Anyone left to reconnect WITH? Besides raloria... I know you're still alive and well, sweetie. *waves*

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Comments 11

dizzojay November 7 2017, 22:26:55 UTC
I'm here!!


wynefred November 8 2017, 00:54:11 UTC
Yay! *waves back* How’s life treating you??


dizzojay November 8 2017, 09:20:11 UTC
Life is good, busy, but good!


wynefred November 8 2017, 17:55:23 UTC
Good! Great thing about busy is that it lets us appreciate the small bits of downtime we do get. Otherwise, we'd get bored!


borgmama1of5 November 8 2017, 01:18:50 UTC


wynefred November 8 2017, 03:13:57 UTC
Hi!! How've you been? What have I missed?


raloria November 8 2017, 03:30:10 UTC
HUN!!!!!! *tacklehugs* :D :D :D
So great to see you back here again!

You are back here again, right? *hopes* :D


wynefred November 8 2017, 03:48:40 UTC
LOL. *dusts myself off* You and your tacklehugs! I'd forgotten how violently affectionate you can be. *smishes back*

I hope so! I decided that I'd quit hanging out here because I was super depressed and couln't expend the mental energy to engage with anyone else. Haven't had that problem in a long time, so what's my excuse now? I ain't got one! Guess I gotta be back, then. No choice. Heehee.

Catch me up. How ya been? I know we kinda touched base a month or so ago but it was way too short. How are you?


raloria November 8 2017, 03:59:34 UTC
Well, I haven't talked to you in a while sooo. *g*

Yay! Glad you're feeling better and are ready to be back on LJ again. Sadly, a lot of people have left for various reasons. *sigh*
But some of us are still trying our best to keep the place alive. No easy task though.

Personally? I'm holding on as best I can. Trying to juggle my online life with my RL and all the stresses that both of those bring. Good news is that some things that needed to be done are finally done and finished....but there's still things on the To-Do List to take care of. But at least the list is getting shorter? *hopes*


wynefred November 8 2017, 04:24:40 UTC
Sweetie, "feeling better" doesn't even describe it. I'm a whole new person. Truly! If I can stay awake long enough, I'll post before and now pics. Plus, being unemployed means no more work stupidity, which means less crazy-woman level stress. It's been almost blissful!

I'm so glad that your list is shorter, at least. That's something! You do tend to take on too much, dear friend. Oh, fandom stress.... I'd heard a couple of weeks ago that there was a kerfuffle about something J2 said????


doylescordy February 20 2018, 18:36:57 UTC
Very late answering this, but I'm here! Hi! You still around?


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