If only it were this easy all the time...

Jul 21, 2015 15:40

Earlier this month, I had my regular checkup with my general practitioner, during which she frowned at me ferociously. With good reason. All my numbers were up, except weight, which was only down 2 pounds. She adjusted my meds and gave me a month. I'm 3 weeks into it and ( Read more... )

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tracys_dream July 21 2015, 21:06:16 UTC
Yay - vacation! Hope you have an excellent time!
Congrats on you weight loss. Wooo!
I lean over my laptop all the time and my posture is really bad. :(


wynefred July 23 2015, 19:41:06 UTC
LOL. Yeah, I'm leaning over my laptop even now. I realize that I lean my head forward all the time... when I'm driving, washing dishes, or even just standing around. My poor head is shoved forward. I'm trying to pull it back where it belongs, but it's hard to remember.


tracys_dream July 23 2015, 19:52:00 UTC
I've been trying to stand up straight and sit up straight and I can't seem to do it for more than a couple of seconds.


wynefred July 23 2015, 20:23:31 UTC
I know! Me too!


tracys_dream July 23 2015, 20:26:18 UTC


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