Dec 12, 2022 09:35
Greetings LJ people, I have obviously been absent for some time. Trust me, it's not because things have been sunny and carefree.
There is a thought that I want to capture this morning about retirement and the fact that those crafted commercials with seniors enjoying cocktails in a beachside cabana are total rubbish. Sure, we have had moments on our wee lake that have been lovely. This past summer, for example, the weather was mild and living was easy for 2 a period. However, NO one talks about the transition from the workday grind to the opposite. So much of our value and worth is caught up in our workplace identity. Once retired, that is gone. And I mean gone as in a suddenly amputated limb. Once the celebrations are over, it begins. No daily alarm, no routine, no workplace socialization. You are left to reinvent yourself, launched into a couple of decades, if you're lucky, of the unknown. This can be a time of unbridled creativity for some, a time to take that beloved past time to a new level. For others, it's the beginning of a downward trend.
I'm still waiting for someone to publish "retirement for dummies".