Some things you might not know (8-11-03)

Oct 29, 2004 00:21

I'm not sure anymore what guidelines I'm using for which entries I bring over and which I do not. I've just skipped over quite a few, some of which were rather big points in my life... but I just didn't feel the desire to bring them over. ((shrug))
Well, this one, at least, made it over. Looking at it now, I can see that the tone gets a bit preachy sometimes. That's something I hadn't noticed when writing it. :) Ah, well. There's some good stuff in there. Enjoy.

"People in the West are always getting ready to live."

Feel free to deny, argue, or ignore any of the following. It's true nevertheless.

We use music as a crutch, to make us feel emotions that we repress from our lives.

We allow movies, TV, books, and other such diversions to live lives of excitement, or humour, or worth, so that we can repress the need to do such with our own lives.

Dogmatic religion (i.e. essentially all religion) is not spirituality, but its opposite.

Government, whether dictatorial, democratic, or other, has the sole purpose of controlling people. It is wholly anti-freedom, and it is what it has always been: the ultimate breeding ground for corruption.

Doctors, while sometimes useful, are rarely needed in daily life, and frequently wrong. Practically every drug is overprescribed. Bodies such as the AMA and the FDA are extremely biased, and influenced heavily by large corporations, especially pharmaceuticals.

Some things in our everyday food and water, which we are assured are safe or even good for us, are actually dangerous toxins.

Hate is not the opposite of love. Love has no opposite, and no absence.

Laughter and crying are the same response at different levels. The purpose of this response is to release negative emotional energy. Generally, the difference in response is determined by our ability to emotionally distance ourselves from the stimulus. Things are generally funny because they are bad.

The media decieve quite regularly.

Shopping will not 'make things better'. Neither will chocolate, drugs, self-help books, fasting, burning a candle, changing your hair, or popping a pill. The only way to change your life for the better is to change your life.

Letting go is one of the most (perhaps the most) important skills for achieving happiness, as well as physical and mental health.

Emptiness is no better than pain.

Escapism does not provide an escape.

People are not stereotypes.

A depressingly large amount of what most of us are taught in our childhood is lies.

There is no 'one true love' waiting for you, or anyone, out there. That's a harmful myth. No one is perfect for you. Relationships work because the people in them work, and work hard, to make them work.

Biblical creationism is patently nonsense. However, evolutionary theory also has a lot of marks against it.

'Higher education' can be useful, but a great deal of it is extraneous, and much more importance is placed upon it than it probably merits.

Most well-established societies, including ours, are based on exploitation and pacification.

Most everything that is ubiquitous is addictive. Sugar, TV, alcohol, sex, popular music...

In order to stave off catastrophe, we must take measures such as recycling, ending our reliance on petrochemicals, living more simply, protecting the world around us, and drastically lowering our birth rate (more than 1 child per adult is harmful at this point).

Children are people, and they need and deserve love, attention, respect, listening, and explanations. They do not need or deserve use, abuse, or indoctrination.

'Rights' are nothing more than imagination. They have no actual existance.

Offense lies in the mind that feels it, not the stimulus that inspires it.

Tradition has no value in itself.

None of the above are mentioned without reason; they are all truths that a very great deal of the people in our societies have not realized or understood.

This is another truth:

I love you.


waking people up

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