Open Letter to Depraved Individual at Suede Thursday Night

Sep 10, 2004 16:44

Dear Sir:
I was so touched by our meeting last night, that I am moved to say 'thank you'. What began as a night out with my girlfriends, ended in a momentous flood of emotions between the two of us. You seemed to have sampled spirits from the bar (liquor connoisseur that you probably are) so I thought I'd refresh your memory about our fate-guided encounter:

An enchanting song filled the room, which beckoned me to dance (I believe it was the new Black-Eyed Peas single). I only THOUGHT that I wanted to get silly with my friends. Those salsa moves between Katie and I were, of course, only a sample of the glorious frolic that was to come. THANK YOU for edging your way between us. The looks on our faces may have appeared to be those of annoyance, but rest assured, that was just our way of expressing rapture. I'm so glad you responded to our misrepresented countenance by wrapping your arm around me, daintily resting your hand on my ass, and whispering something that sounded a little like "eyooor ze bEssst denser heyre". What exotic language you spoke, I do not know; I can say with all certainty that, at that moment, I was captivated.
When I walked away with what might have seemed to be animosity, I was only playing hard to get, of course. Thank GOODNESS that you read my mind and followed.
By that point, the song was over and the DJ left his booth. Hope appeared futile. But again, cupid refilled his quiver and The Hero Factor took the stage. It was if our love was blessed by Ben Kilgore himself.
By the time Ben's melodious voice reached me, you were already on the other side of the room. Of course, I didn't MEAN to stray so far from you. Within five, seemingly eternal seconds, however, you were back at my side. In a very gentlemanly fashion, you surprised me by dancing up from behind. Shannon really wasn't trying to be rude when she grabbed my hand to notify me; she just knew how damn EXCITED i would be. It was as if our wavelengths became one and you knew. Knew. That I wanted to dance. Of course, I think that the kids these days call it 'grinding'. Whatever it's name, in my heart, I will call it joy.
Pushing your hands away probably came out wrong. I'm sorry. I was just dealing with a lot of feelings I think. In hindsight, I'm SOOSOSOSOSO glad that you read my intentions and knew what I wanted, even when I didn't. When you took my face in your newly freed hands and tried to kiss me, I really didn't mean to release that torrent of unnecessary criticism. I was only teasing when I called you a degenerate fuckwad. Really. Again, I'm sorry. You seemed to take it pretty well by pointing your best "Shooter" finger at me and saying those 5 words I'll never forget: "OK, then, maybe next time". What patience. What .... love.
All in all, it was the greatest 7-minute love affair of my life. I'll never forget you, Mr. Depraved drunk dancer guy.
Yours forever,
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