why I am not on the campaign trail

Oct 28, 2008 15:43

Sometime around the early-middle part of the decade I was channel-surfing around 3am and met Obama. He was being interviewed on PBS for reasons I don't know, but naturally they were discussing politics. I liked what he said. I liked how at ease he was with himself and articulate in his convictions. I thought, "he's the type of guy I wish would become president".

When it came about that he was considering a run I was hopeful, pessimistic, and apprehensive for his safety. Not because of his skin tone, because of this. Still, I thought if ever there was a candidate I could put some passion behind, he'd probably be it.

But the style of american politics has taken it out of me. There's no authenticity. And the propaganda exceeded my tolerance 3/4ths of the way back, regardless of who it was for. I don't want another form letter asking me to make a difference by sending money, as if the $100 I gave wasn't an honorable enough sacrifice as it were. I don't want to see any more finger pointing when you've already gone past the point of credibility. I don't expect politicians to be more than human. I just wish that they could be honest. And do I mean could.

These men are not polar opposites, and their parties weren't intended to be either. But it's what the parties have become, and the men are barely more than figureheads for their respective political hives. Elections could be an adult dialog on various policy disagreements. Instead we get a gladiator match with near apocalypse as the consequence in either outcome, depending on who you believe.

I was terrified of a Bush presidency. Now that I've survived it, I'm less terrified. It's not that I'm not stingingly aware of the irrecoverable damage that's been done. I've never had a more accurate premonition. It's that I think even a McCain administration would be hard-put to do worse.

The parties should only argue in effort to come to agreeable terms, not vilify each other until cooperation is tantamount to damnation. At this rate, we're headed toward an encore of the Boston Tea Party. If fake america and real america keep this up, one of us is going to need a new identity. Or maybe a return trip to Britain. I wonder who they'd take back?

I think in my personal ad I'll ask for someone who identifies with John Oliver and like cats. That should about cover it.

john oliver, elections, daily show, obama, politics

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