We will now take a random special moment to examine Stuff that Makes Jordan Laugh. We will leave the Whys for anever day.
A comic. Nicknames@8:02 (or 6:50 for context)
Spontaneous Giggle fits:
I'm reading this
creepiest urban legends that happen to be true and it says that a guy who died in a shootout was embalmed and put on display by the undertaker, then usurped by two circus dudes claiming to be brothers of the deceased.
The giggler was this:
"Because McCurdy apparently had the most entertaining corpse in history, they prevented anyone else from taking him on tour by dumping concrete on top of the casket."
John Oliver's fainting spells (he does it twice in the ep but the fucktards running the website cut the other out).
I had no idea what was happening in this skit but Konata's (blue hair) deadpan reaction to "No!" had me suddenly LOL'ing to a frightening degree.
Click to view
the dead parrot sketch, but who doesn't love the dead parrot sketch? "This is a LATE parrot!"