gh survey

Jul 26, 2008 20:48

[it's a shame for me to post this. but oh well hahahahah]

  1. You have nicknames for all your teachers
  1. You call your classmates by their last name (it’s because when we don’t know the person we just read the name plate on his polo and we get used to calling him by his last name)
  1. There’s at least one person in your barkada who’s nickname is a shorter variation of his last name
  1. You have a classmate named Paulo/Paolo every single year
  1. You do your school work during homeroom so you can copy from someone (ako kinokopyahan no!)
  1. You never bring your own things; starting from pad papers for tests to toiletries for a swimming PE
  1. You don’t jog when the coach tells you to jog during PE
  1. You cram a lot that it’s weird when someone does school work a week before you need to submit it
  1. Group works usually mean the group meets at someone’s house, does nothing 90% of the time and ends up having one member do everything and paying him
  1. During intrams, you always underestimate the honor’s class (HAHAHA. It's true anyway)
  1. When a hot girl passes by in campus, you can’t help but stare (I think it should be, when a girl our age period HAHAHAHA)
  1. An 82 for a card grade is high (baba niyan ah.)
  1. When you see new facilities, you always comment “dyan napupunta tuition natin!” 
  1. You suck at English and you know it (ASA!)
  1. You’ve ask for an exemption from class to watch the UAAP game
  1. You hang at Galle or Greenhills after class while wearing your polo/polo-barong with the two topmost buttons open OR you remove your polo/polo-barong entirely (usually when you’re planning to smoke)
  1. You've bashed THE Areneow  at one point in you whole stay in La Salle Green Hills
  1. You’ve borrowed calculators, lab gowns, aprons (and the like) from someone in another class because you forgot yours or you’re too lazy to bring your own
  1. You study the class before a quiz
  1. You’ve borrowed your seatmate’s notes because you don’t have (you were too lazy to copy the last meeting)
  1. You know Kuya Ding the photocopy guy at the HS library
  1. You never borrowed a book from the library (this should be, you've fallen asleep in the library)
  1. You have your own personal list of the hot teachers
  1. You don’t know half of your batchmates
  1. You repeat what the teacher said when he/she mispronounces something
  1. You, together with your classmates, impersonate teachers
  1. You wasted as much time as you can hanging around during drug tests 
  1. You asked nonsense questions to teachers just to waste their time
  1. You’re rarely ready for a test 
  1. You’ve made codigos for formulas in Chem and Math tests but you still fail because you don’t understand how to use them (I don't make them 'cause I ace them all the time bitch hahaha)
  1. During CL classes, you’d rather have “role playing” than do a seatwork
  1. Not submitting a requirement is ALWAYS an option
  1. You’ve texted in class. You text everyday in class 
  1. You hated Medroso and the admin together with him
  1. You look up to the batch higher than yours 
  1. You plan to grow your hair really long after graduating (effects of the haircut regulation)
  1. You ate sisig at Fresh Choice
  1. You address your teachers with “Miss” or “Sir” unless they’re not around or you’re close to them
  2. When it rains hard, you can't help but scream out loud: "SUSPENDED! (ULUL!) SUSPENDED! (ULUL!)"
  3. You've assumed that DLSU was the next step
  4. in at least one point, you have assumed that they will turn the school Co-Ed the year/s following your graduation
  5. You forgot to observe CLAYGO
  6. You stopped and talked to a teacher who was proctoring (and the teacher would always go out of the room, leaving his/her class, to talk to you outside)
  7. You were caught sleeping and pretended to listen, only to be asked questions relating to what you missed
  8. You eat your meals during Recess and hang out during Lunch
  9. You have begged a classmate to share his blessings (i.e. snacks that aren't "audible" when you eat them)
  10. You've felt really guilty when you make a teacher everyone likes mad and forced him/her to give a really bad sermon
  11. You've felt really happy when you make a teacher everyone hates mad and forced him/her to give a really bad sermon
  12. You miss the softdrink station in the Canteen
  13. You refer to the Canteen as Canteen rather than The Saint Benilde Cafeteria
  14. You'd always ask someone what's the passing grade for a quiz, just to be sure
  15. You barely open your CL book at home...we never use it though
  16. You try to understand your Math book
  17. You have drunken a little too much with your friends
  18. You let every teacher know that it's your classmates birthday then proceed to sing him Happy Birthday (just to kill as much time as possible so that the lecture would be shorter)
  19. You tore off your polo pocket at the last day of Third Year (or plan to if you're not yet in the third year)
  20. You think that being a senior means you get to boss around all the undergrads
  21. You would rather go to Enchanted Kingdom or one of the junk food factories instead of BSP or the mountains for your field trips
  22. You have given a retarded presentation and passed it off as finished.
  23. You pulled out all the tricks you can think off in the Pep Rally to show batch unity.
  24. You say that you'll do better in the next test
  25. You finish the PE Quarterly exam in 15 minutes or less.
  26. You've had something confiscated, then returned to you because you talked your way out of it
  27. You've dodged an SDR/VR because of a technicality
  28. You've played Trash Can Basketball
  29. You've played Chalkboard Basketball
  30. You've had a teacher who walk out of your class once.
  31. You don't really warm-up during PE
  32. You always think there's something wrong with the freshmen
  33. You cheer for DLSU even if you're in a different college
  34. You've passed something even without doing anything at all
  35. Your class presidents are usually the noisiest people in high school
  36. Girls would ask you if you know this popular batchmate of yours. (I get that now though)
  37. You've had a soiree where it's partly a sausage fest. 3:1 boy to girl ratio(haha!)
  38. During intrams, you always try to think of a name that has a green meaning to it
  39. You've seen something written on the bathroom walls and laughed and shouted "pare tingnan niyo toh!"
  40. Your band club has always more than 100 people in it.
  41. You always see around 10+ students in front of the faculty office 
  42. You go to the honors' class first to borrow a calculator. If they don't have one, you go to the semi-honors' class
  43. You've wasted more than 3 hours of supposed review to computer games
  44. There's always one guy who finishes the exam in 10 minutes or less
  45. You've seen or heard of stories of people fighting in the CR
  46. You enjoy making video presentations.
  47. Reportings bore you like hell. You don't usually listen to the first group cause you're too busy planning what to do
  48. Your class has actually tried to pretend sleeping all at once before the teacher comes in then when he's in you all start dancing and cheering
  49. You always wished to have the lavatory pass
  50. You don't sign the log book
  51. Your confidence increases as your number increases
  52. when you're alone commuting, you're generally quiet, but when your with a fello lasallian, you're louder than the bus horns
  53. You and 6 other friends have actually crammed up in someone's car
  54. You suddenly turn into a good boy when you're crush is around
  55. You hope that when you're casual day comes, you're allowed to wear shorts.
  56. Fridays are Casual Attire days for Seniors
  57. You have a Tie Dye day on the last Friday of your junior year
  58. Your teachers always do something different everyday
  59. You usually laugh at the first few minutes of your favorite teacher's class then you suddenly fall asleep
  60. Only 4 people in class actually use english as a medium of language.
  61. You've ridden a bus to school where almost all passengers are students of LSGH (ex: g-liner)
  62. During you're 3rd year, you wonder what search-in is about
  63. You actually play "paunahan" in you're PE exams (puta wrong grammar HAHAHA)
  64. You never took the school ability test and achievement tests seriously. You wonder now what the hell that is.
  65. When a project comes along, you say the very inspiring words: "Bara bara na lang yan."
  66. When you're a senior and it's the last few months of the school year, you play your PSP in class because you don't care about high school anymore.
  67. The biggest fad in your classroom is RockPaperScissors. You even have championships for it!
  68. You love playing "Moses and the Red Sea" with the lower years (if you're a senior.)
  69. Your classmates love forming serious bands that will not even get together for ONE jamming session.
  70. You force gradeschoolers out of "your" table.
  71. You use the cafeteria benches as beds right before class starts.
  72. You don't give a rat's ass about Violation Reports in high school.
  73. You've forged a SAD slip/SDR/VR at least once. (hahaha. Sad slips, happy slips, vrs, sdrs and all those shit)
  74. The class name was changed more than once before being accepted because of double-entendres.
  75. You try to steal your batchmate's date during Prom/Ball.
  76. You've made a new religion based on a very influential classmate.
  77. You run around hiding from Medro in the morning during GradPrac to hide your long hair.
  78. You stay inside the classroom during flag ceremony.
  79. You've snorted Extra Joss.
  80. The 711 in Ortigas Ave is a favorite hangout.
  81. You've done akyat bakod during Semi-Finals.
  82. Staring at a student from another batch right in the eyes means war.
  83. You look at the Wack-Wack parking lot as the school's own Octagon.
  84. You curse the traffic at Ortigas in the morning before realizing its actually your school that causes it.
  85. You have VDP every Mondays and you look at it as a free sleeping period.
  86. Your classmates drink during exam week
  87. You design better paper airplanes with your classmates and use the classroom as a runway and air field.
  88. You beg your last period teacher to let you use the TV to watch an important DLSU game.
  89. You walk long distances from the school only to come back because that is where your sundo will be.
  90. You find the idea of doing schoolwork early as hilarious.
  91. Your batchmates grab each other's crotches as a greeting.
  92. Instead of saying "Time na!" when a class ends, you say "Chime na!"
  93. You set aside Php10 for iced tea at the canteen.
  94. Your classmates smoke in the CR after almost every period.
  95. You're informed of an announced test minutes before that class starts.
  96. You played with the OHM reader during Electronics class.
  97. Your Automotive teacher caresses the engine while he lectures. Expecially the camshaft.
  98. You love your batch and believe that it's the best!
  99. During the first weeks of the school year, the freshmen are running up the stairs and try to be the first ones to arrive the classroom after the first bell (sometimes, locking the door so others can't come in). The upper batch always thinks that a grade school behavior. Hahaha
  100. It's always the secretary and the computer monitor who go to the AP's office to get the computer key and the attendance sheet. (Vargas pa!)
  101. When the door is locked before a class starts and everyone is outside, no one wants to get the classroom key.
  102. As the years pass, you have to climb another floor.
  103. First and second years are always given the choice to take Music or Band class.
  104. Kasaysayan and Badminton Club are the organizations with the largest student members. (I should know, I checked this HAHAHAHA)
  105. SSRP > Activity Period
  106. Almost everywhere is air-conditioned. (Even the gym during community mass and important events)
  107. Experience Si Sir, Si Ma'm at least once
  108. Scope solicitation is a contest, especially for the seniors (hahahaha)
  109. Most of the people who look in the honor's list comes from the SPAS classes.
  110. Si Sir Si Ma'am is when students lose all their respect for the teachers
  111. You're afraid of the Search-in Ballpen
  112. If you get accepted into Search-in, you're complled to facilitate forever and ever
  113. If you don't get accepted, you think Search-in is gay
  114. You text in class
  115. You eat in class
  116. You do so many things to get your teachers pissed off
  117. You like sisig in Fresh Choice
  118. If all food establishments are closed, you settle for No Choice
  119. You get so used to aircon
  120. You gloat that you're in High School if you came from the Grade School
  121. You always say Hi to teachers, even if they are so far away
  122. You know Ms. Fay Irasga
  123. You know Mr. David
  124.  Whenever the class is very quiet (especially when having a test), you tend to shout "WEH!" or "WHOOOOOOA!" when you or your classmates hear even the slightest noise. And because of this, the class gets noisy.
  125. You always complain about the noise of the moving chairs made by the classroom above yours, even when you're a senior and there's actually no classroom above.
  126.  A specific group of people (i.e. a barkada) per batch (usually the "cool" group/people) is actually the one who makes the batch united.
  127.  During dismissal time, you hang out or ask someone who has P20 so you could have that Buy-One-Take-One pasta at Blue & Gold (it costs P40).
  128.  You always go inside the bathroom, and tend to fix your hair for more than 15 mins
  129.  Usually the dishwashers inside the cooking room are the quiet ones
  130. All LSGH alumni says "Putang ina" when they see their school facilities change every year
  131. Every NCAA pep rally, you always watch out for the special guest especially the sexy girls group (ex. Viva hot babes)
  132. Definetly, you always pay and settle your account LATE! (ex. intrams, field trips, etc.)

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