pronker requested Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, "any which way but loose," when she won a drabble for guessing correctly the sneaky science word in my latest Project Revision post. It became a ficlet, at 194 words, but I hope she likes it anyway.
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. I am not making any profit from this fan fiction.
Inspired by a scene in Greg Bear's Rogue Planet: a missing scene.
He says you’re hard to talk to.
Anakin can’t possibly know how much the words hurt him, even if Obi-Wan is well aware that they can’t really have come from Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan was always hard to talk to, especially when it mattered. If he had been less resistant, easier to reach - might Qui-Gon be with them still?
Nonsense. The Sith killed him, on Naboo. Talking could never have changed that.
Except ... if they’d talked more, along the way ... they might never have ended up on Naboo. Or they might have done things differently, once they’d got there. Or ... something. A small change, years ago, and everything might have been different.
That way lies madness, and endless regret, and Obi-Wan knows it. This is not a path the Jedi walk. But still, even knowing all this, it is an effort to release his guilt and loss and questions into the Force, to breathe in instead the vibrant sense of life that Zonama Sekot generates, and to center himself once more for the mission ahead.
I miss you, Master.
He can almost hear Qui-Gon’s voice in return: I know, Padawan.
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