Disclaimer: George Lucas owns Star Wars. This story is purely a work of fan fiction, and I am not making any profit from it.
Author's note: Written as a congratulatory gift!fic for
attanagra, who totally deserved it!!!!! [/wild cheering] This particular (re)introduction won't appear in the "framing" effort; but since it is fairly common for chapters of
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Yeah, not much Ferus around ... there was a kinda cute Anakin/Ferus slash story a while back which had the feelings written okay but the author skewed so young ... and the above links: the first is flighty and the second a bit better. Anyway, I enjoy your take on Ferus greatly.
Links! Yay, links! Linkity links! Thank you!
This … makes me want to write more Ferus fic. Hm. But Ryn always ends up in my Ferus fics, and this is a problem because it cuts the readership twice: first because Ferus is not a terribly popular character himself, and second because, of course, many people who might potentially read a Ferus fic will not like OCs in it. It's a conundrum. (There's an element here which wants to go rogue and just write to please myself … but then, if I'm going to post it … anyway.) Ferus fic makes me happy. I enjoyed your Fess Ilee.
There's the thing about posting -- it's fulfilling to write and invite comment. And thank you for mentioning Fess Ilee -- he is a favorite to write.
Just like with Xanatos, Watson's characters spring mostly fullgrown and the M-A archive alone has scads of versions of Xani's Falling to the DS. Now that Dark Horse has a comics version that's EU-canon, those all are Jossed.
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