Disclaimer: Star Wars and all associated characters are the property of George Lucas. No profit is being made from this work of fanfiction/fanart. (Whee, it's both!)
Figures of the Clone Wars
"The Clone Wars" refers to the period of intragalactic strife immediately preceding the formation of the First Galactic Empire. This period, spanning approximately three standard years, derives its name from the use of cloned soldiers as troops for the Old Republic. The armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, by contrast, relied heavily on droid troops.
There were a number of important figures on both sides during this period, and in any case the relationship between the Republic and the CIS were often complicated by conflicting loyalties that ranged in scale from individual beings to planetary systems. To pretend an exhaustive study would be misleading. However, to ignore the principle actors in such an important drama would be irresponsible. This text aims to address key figures of the Clone Wars in clusters, grouped by the known relationship of these participants to each other. In other words: we have chosen to give priority to personal friendships over political affiliations, as personal loyalties were ultimately the greatest casualty of the Clone Wars. Here, four famous players whose friendships with each other influenced the course of Galactic History:
Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi earned the epithet "The Negotiator" early in the Clone Wars for his smooth tongue and unshakeable calm. He is also known for training Anakin Skywalker as a Padawan. Following a tumultuous relationship during the training years, Kenobi and Skywalker would during the Clone Wars develop a close friendship and working relationship; together, they were often referred to as "The Team."
Anakin Skywalker earned his Knighthood as a Jedi within the first few months of the Clone Wars. The HoloNet quickly dubbed him "The Hero With No Fear" for his death-defying tactics and seeming disregard for his own safety in battle. Skywalker's indisputable heroism made him one of the Republic's most formidable weapons throughout the Clone Wars. He was in his day widely recognized as the best pilot in the galaxy. His achievements as a fighter may in fact have overshadowed his equally impressive skills as a make-do mechanic, a strategist, and a friend. His close relationship with the foreign aristocrat Ryn Orun (below) brought a contingent of Lorethan troops known as "The Exiles" into the conflict on the side of the Republic early in the war.
Commander Orun is chiefly known for her friendship with Jedi Anakin Skywalker, a distinction that is perhaps unfair as she was also a well-respected member of her native planet's aristocracy, a willing and capable hostage in the service of the Jedi Council, and an intimidating field commander in her own right. The HoloNet News quickly adopted for her the epithet "Warlord," a title she had earned on her home planet while assisting Kenobi and then-Padawan Skywalker in the pursuit of a dangerous criminal. She was a member of the elite Lorethan paramilitary organization known as the Rangers, many of whom defected with Orun to join the Exiles in c. 21 BBY. Her presumed death at the hands of Count Dooku is now thought to have been a major factor contributing to Skywalker's downward spiral in the final year of the war.
Padmé Naberrie Amidala merits inclusion on nearly every conceivable list of major players for the Clone Wars. A former queen of Naboo, she spearheaded the successful insurrection that forced the Trade Federation out of the system in 29 BBY, in what many would later to consider to be the first major conflict of the Clone Wars, even though it took place ten years before the clone army was discovered. In the months preceding the First Battle of Geonosis, Senator Amidala led the fight against the creation of a Grand Army of the Republic, arguing instead for enhanced negotiations with the emerging Confederacy of Independent Systems as a means of avoiding violent conflict. As the date set for a vote drew near, she was targeted for assassination, and thanks to her long-standing relationship with Kenobi and Skywalker, both of whom had helped her during the Blockade of Naboo, she was consigned to their protection. She went into hiding with Skywalker as her bodyguard while Kenobi attempted to track down her would-be assassin; it is now known that during this period she not only renewed her friendship with Skywalker, but fell in love with him. Their forbidden relationship would ultimately have a greater impact on the fate of the Galaxy than the Clone Wars themselves.