Disclaimer: George Lucas owns Star Wars. I am not making any profit from this work of fan fiction.
Author's note: It's all
estora 's fault.
inside out
Because the first time he met her, she was doing the stupid thing.
She’d dived off a wall, thousands of stories up in the Temple District, to try and fix his naive mistake. She’d taken on bigger, better-equipped opponents, and in the end she’d sacrificed herself to save Anakin - not just the Chosen One, but her friend. She’d made it personal.
She was everything the Jedi had taught him was wrong, and he loved her.
Because she was undemanding.
He had told Obi-Wan Kenobi once that everyone was his friend, but nobody was his particular friend. That was true. But Ryn was the first person in his life who could have been his particular friend, if he had let her in.
She did try.
She took all his impassivity and emotional distance and unyielding perfectionism in her stride - he loved her stride - and treated him like a person, just the same. She never asked for more than he could give, never expected anything.
Because she could dance, and didn’t care who saw.
He knows, of course, that isn’t really a good reason to love someone. It’s completely irrational: what difference does it make if Ryn can dance? Luminous beings are we. Except it makes all the difference that she never cared who caught her doing it.
(With a little ingenuity, you could catch her doing it a lot, and Ferus still isn’t sure whether she realizes how much effort he put into that.)
Standing beside him against the balcony wall, on the outside looking in, Trever says, “You loved her, didn’t you?” His boyish face contorts in deeper thought than usual. “...Why?”