
Jul 16, 2005 23:31

is my word of the moment...for some odd reason.

Yay! ^.^ I went to the Renn. Faire in Ansonia today and yesterday, though it may be yesterday and the day before by the time I finish posting...hmmm...-ponders-


I got a nice cloak there and some pretty feathers. My aunt also bought me a nice dress so I can dress up for Renn. Faires now. Though I still need a good pair of boots... Oh well.

I haven't had much of a summer, I've been at work almost all the time...I've had 2 days off since vacation started.

I got braces in the 7th. They're icky. -.- Too bad for me I s'pose. Only 2 years until I can get them off...-sigh-

More work tomorrow, so I better go. Night.
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