Carbs/Calories: Lots: 1 pizza, 1 cheese roll, several chocolate digestives, 2 packets of crisps, 1 Crunchie, 1 Toffee Crisp, 2 slices of toast, 1 bar of Ikea chocolate ... why am I still hungry?? Caffeine: Numerous cups of tea. In an effort to spread the joy I even made RTD a cuppa today Number of hours I spent doing actual work: Hhhhmmm ... two? Wolf ate: My thermals, again, a candle, a telephone wire, my last biro and RIP the Liberty Elephant from a couple of days ago Watching: Torchwood Weather: Other than swimming instead of walking the dog, we're just peachy up here.
I simply could not face doing more paperwork today. I tried, I really did. But realising that half the programme still needed its actors listed, and they were all Classic actors I went and made more tea instead. And then I hit upon the most excellent plan ever; watching the offline locked copies of the new TW3 series. Which is actually part of my job, just not as currently urgent as the seriously overdue paperwork. Particularly as it's five hours worth of telly that I shouldn't really be watching when there's more important things to do. But fuck it! I thought, if the bosses wanna go to Dubai and leave us to it then I'll damn well take the day off the paperwork (particularly as I worked the last two weekends at home on it too!). Well, I only managed to watch four due to the late start, extra long lunch break and the odd interruptions - tea making is a serious business. I loved the scripts. I loved the visit to see the 456 build (well, I liked the visit, just not the journey). I thought I'd love the episodes.
I didn't love the episodes. I fucking loved the episodes. Yes, there's a major plot flaw (as per normal) but who cares! The episodes rock! And I mean RAWK!! And this is without finished effects and music and ADR (Additional Dialogue Recording), so - yes - the Bourne Identity music may have helped a little. But you guys are gonna flip over this! Roll on tomorrow morning for episode 5 and our behind the scenes cut-to-date. Yes. Rock on.