List of lust (Part 1 of 2)

Jan 04, 2009 12:25

Carbs/Calories: Absolutely none because I've been too lazy to go food shopping Caffeine: 4 cups of tea and counting (faaabulous!). Phonecalls from London: All programmes have now been delivered and transmitted so none, whoop! Although my name wasn't on yesterday's programme, damn them! Wolf ate: more carpet by the front door, two plastic plant pots and a partridge in a pear tree (it's not Christmas anymore so he's allowed) Playing: The Force Unleashed Weather: Fuckin' freezin'! Hasn't really gone above zero since I moved here. Comments about the New Doctor: None to make, sorry peeps!

I don't really have much to post, it's all things that have gone wrong with the house (bad wiring, bad drains, bad plumbing, bad radiators, bad decision to buy?) so I decided to put together a lust list based on crystalkirk who has, in turn, stolen it from others too.

Ground Rules: Name your Top 20 List Of Lust, in no particular order. Your neighbor or school teacher doesn't count. The list can be male, female or mixed. They can be real life celebrities or characters in a movie or TV show. For example, you might want to gag Mariska Hargitay, while still lusting after Butchy McFabulous Olivia Benson. Tag 5 people on your flist to do this meme. ... I'm going to tag anyone who wants to join in.
(I've been dying to use this icon for months!)

20: Agent Booth : Bones

I never liked David Boreanaz as Angel so much, but Booth, I love Booth. He's funny and charming and kooky and devoted to his son.

19: Harry Dresden : The Dresden Files

Not only is he a pretty powerful Magician but he's got a voice like chocolate. Chocolate I tell you.

18: David Wenham

I defy you not to fall in love with David, he's got beautiful blue eyes and can play Diver Dan and Faramir believably. Also, he's man enough to take a nickname like Daisy.

17: Han Solo : Star Wars

I've adored Han since I was 4 years old. It's the rogue in him.

16: Jack O'Neill : Stargate SG-1

Yes, I had a thing for MacGyver too but Jack is delicious. Irreverant, badass, and loves blowing things up. Love it and his hands.

15: Jayne Cobb : Firefly/ Serenity

Okay, so he's dirty and probably smelly and will double cross you in an instant. But he's so big. And hot!. And ... big!

14: Daniel Jackson : Stargate SG-1

Yes, he's a geek. In fact, he's a Geek. But he's adorkable, carries a gun (and can use it) and have you seen his bod?!

13: Mal Reynolds : Firefly/ Serenity

Nathan does nothing for me (sorry Nathan) but Mal, whoo boy *fans self*

12: Sean Bean

You've got to love a man who'll take all his clothes off on telly. I can't remember when I first fell for Beanie, but Sharpe has remained a much loved favourite for years, as has Sean.

11: The Doctor (9) : Doctor Who

He's got Chris' maleness whilst managing to be both dark, ruthless and vulnerable all at the same time. I just want to cwtch him. He was also the Doctor in carnation when I got dragged into the whole crazy world of Who, he's got a lot to answer for!

Countdown from ten to one will either be tonight or tomorrow evening. Don't worry, I've got it all planned ;)

lust, meme, silliness

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