pimp your best friend ...

May 11, 2008 00:05

... I've been waiting for this to happen since Lizzie's wedding in November. Whilst visiting my new nephew and other family members last weekend my mother began plotting with Jo, my sister's Maid of Honour, to sign me up for mysinglefriend.com (or pimp your best friend as I call it). They arranged for Jo to return to Mum's on friday night to drink champagne, eat spag bol and write my profile, which they then duly published with the name of the production that I work on slap bang in the middle of their rambling. I, of course, panic, ask them to remove it and discover they can't ... so they start again. I then discover I have to write a comment about what they wrote (please, kill me now!).

So! The purpose of this post is a plea for help. Because I don't have time to do my washing let alone go on a date but that's not an answer they'll accept. So I'm writing the damn comment but am coming up with crap. If you can do better then please comment!

Their profile:
Wylt is a petite, dark haired beauty who's eclectic interests show a sharp intelligence and grace of thought. She loves Scifi and Tolkein (don't argue the age of Aragorn!). She loves travelling, particularly New Zealand where she sent postcards from Middle Earth.

She works for < insert production company name >, sometimes starting work at 5.30am in her PJ's so that she can welcome the crew before tripping back to bed! Although that's not a typical day, variety is the spice of her life!

She loves books and movies, horseriding and fencing (not the gardening kind!) and is caring and supportive - she'll always help if she can, even if only by making a fabulous cup of tea and offering to share her favourite stash of oreos and jaffa cakes!

My Comment:
You go to work in your PJ's once and no one will ever let you forget it!

Thanks for the lovely words, I should probably add that I like socialising with mates, mochas (coffee and chocolate in the same cup, can't ask for better than that!), Cardiff Bay and the baseball game on my new wii (not that I can hit the ball worth a damn but I can pitch like a demon!). I love being outdoors, not wearing shoes, pets (not that my landlords will let me have any), cold nights and warm fires and warm nights and cold drinks. Most of all I love good company, conversation and laughter to enjoy them with. If you'd like to know more then please say hi.

dating hell

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