there can be only one ...

Jan 11, 2008 19:23

Methos reached out one of his elegant hands to me a week or so back and I took it. What can I say? I've missed him, I couldn't help myself. And upon seeing an advert on the telly for Highlander: The Source on DVD I thought I'd try to rent it first to see if it was worth buying. So I signed up for Amazon's rental scheme-y thingy. Only to discover that they couldn't guarantee that you'd get the DVD you wanted (and, at that time I only wanted the one!) so I cancelled it immediately and downloaded it instead. Whoever told the writers that sex sells should be shot ....

It actually wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Some of the french subtitles that were stuck over my copy were wrong but that just amused me more. It was great to see Methos again although I do have to wonder what the hell he'd done between the last movie and this one that would piss MacLeod off so much. The Guardian is brilliant. But the film isn't Highlander. And really, the only thing that I can think that it is about is a bunch of Immortals all struggling to get to the mysterious place of the Source (the place where cosmic light is hitting the Earth) in order to procreate with a mortal woman who's in love with Duncan. Seriously? That's the best you can do? That's taking a cliche and running with it a little too far methinks.

But I thought I'd keep it, if only for Methos on a motorbike. And then I got an email from Amazon to say that the DVD I'd requested was being posted to me. Huzzah, thought I, I get to watch it on a proper telly! And as soon as I got back from attempting to hit people with a flimsy piece of metal yesterday evening (explained more fully below) I put it on.

Only to discover it's a completely different film in the UK as opposed to wherever the hell the copy I downloaded came from. All the sarky, fun pieces of dialogue have been cut out! Noooo! I'm not sure what they've replaced the 10 or so minutes of footage I know they've cut out so far as I've not finished watching it yet but I'm intrigued.

Oh, and the behind the scenes segment in Special Features? Pffffttt. Fire them, they're shit. Although I have to admit to being intrigued as to why there is absolutely no mention of Peter in it whatsoever (apart from a quick shot in the opening montage). Only three reasons I can think of: 1) Peter asked to be paid for his inclusion in it or 2) Somebody was really, really stupid or 3) Something else I haven't thought of.

I'm rooting for door number two please, Bob.

In other news, the winner of this month's best text message goes to Scottie for:
"Fuck me - that explosion was insane. The pressure nearly had us knocked over. Nobody expected it. They will have so much fun tomorrow!"

Unfortunately, he text me that just after 9pm when I was doing my best to stab several people with a long, thin, bendy sword that seems a bit poncy but is actually kinda cool so I didn't get to reply. Today I'm paying for it ... the stabbing, not the not texting. Who knew fencing would be so painful?!

Which reminds me, where the hell is my Roman Gladius?! How long does it take to forge a sword?

highlander: the source, explosion, fencing, methos

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