tickle me tigger ...

Jul 09, 2007 21:30

I get to go! I get to go! *bounce* I'm probably going to miss the scene I really, really wanna watch (you'll know it when you see it *cough*EP1*cough*) but I get to go!! I have to leave there at 12 and they don't finish shooting til 7pm and I have to get up at ridiculous o'clock to be there for 8am, but I get to go! *bounce* This almost makes up for missing James Marsters at the Point weekend after next cos I have to go to my stupid cousin's stupid wedding (alright, she's not stupid and it's not a stupid wedding but I'm missing out on James Marsters playing the Point, which is ... like ... right there *points*!)

Crap, I think I have to go to bed now to get up in time .... *bounce*

tw, jm, shoot

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