Twice this has happened to me now. Twice! An urgent call comes in for something to be delivered to someone important (in this case, DM) late on a friday afternoon (in this case, 5pm) and it needs to be delivered preferably the next day (in this case, Saturday or failing that Sunday). Oh, and the delivery will be overseas (in this case, Budapest). Can a courier be arranged? Or failing that, look into flights would you? Only if I'm the one that gets to go, I inevitably mumble.
A house warming party on Saturday that's been postponed twice for various reasons (one of which being the Eurovision, it's hard to have a Who party when there's no actual Who) and a birthday piss-up on Sunday were barely given a seconds consideration at the thought of flying to Budapest on Saturday to deliver a draft of episode 10 to DM.
Even the prospect of flying back the same day doesn't worry me, although the thought of driving a hire car 30-40 minutes from the airport to his hotel made me wobble a little.
The couriers couldn't deliver before Tuesday but flights were around £200 not including the hire car and hotel as, I discovered, you couldn't fly to Budapest and back in the same day. So long as I get a room in the same hotel I'm really not bothered!
Only to have the dream shattered as my series producer, quite rightly, decides that spending around £300 to send a programme to Budapest that isn't transmission urgent is not an expense we can afford and DM will just have to wait til Tuesday. You could hear my wails in Newport. Folornly, I packaged up the DVD and took it over to reception for the courier first thing on Monday morning.
Only to have the security guard who took it for me decide he needed a contact name and number of someone this end written on it. Just in case, y'know. So now there is a parcel with my name and mobile number scrawled on it being sent to DM in Budapest instead of a parcel and me sprawled across DM *sigh* Thank the gods I've got a boozy weekend! ;)