Sep 30, 2010 21:58
Dear LiveJournal,
The last time I posted anything of weight was November, 2007. There's a single post in Aug of 2008. And then there's this.
When switching my old email address to a more accurate current email address, its taken most the evening for the new one to gather all the old one's.. mail. Awkward sentence. Anyhow.. what that means is I've seen years of LJ Comments, misc emails I've forgotten about, CL ad's looking for apartments in Philly, renting rooms in Seattle, and god knows what else I used CL for.
Oct, 2004 - Syllabus from my Creative Writing class at AIS
Sept, 2005 - Trading email addresses with a potential landlord (ending up being our landlord in truth) in Seattle for a 4 bedroom house
Jan, 2006 - Flying to Philly for the week. Was that lease at NE 80th really that short? My time lines aren't making sense. Maybe the email to Patrick was in regards to resolving deposits?
March, 2006 - Photos of our Philadelphia apartment
May 2006 - Mocking Nintendo for their choice of Wii over Revolution as a name
Aug 2006 - Moved to Austin, emails from leasing companies, rental car confirmations, etc
Sept 2006 - Hospital Stay, emails back and forth
History in 1's and 0's.
Nothing is ever as strong, solid, or sane as we wish it to be. I made a promise to myself I'd never post again. I look through my LJ dating back to.. 2001? and /facepalm my way through it. Its an embarrassment and a blight.
Chatter about Flipside, and WoW.. focus shifts are hard shifts, not a gentle drift. All or nothing.
I'm disappointed I didn't post as much of my writing as I'd have liked. I'm digging through old emails looking for that as well.
Nov 8th, 2007 - Some mention of Dean, but very very little.
Digital silence until Aug 2008. That is the entry previous to this one. I liked that entry.
will we continue this trend? This.. posting distastefully about personal matters?
Ah well. Up past my bedtime.
Ciao fuckers.