a few things have begun to irritate me. (bear with me fore i would greatly appreciate your audience, through and through, until the end of this segment. i rarely post and i would find it very disconcerting if you dont even read my meager input
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hahaha. i'm not a politician to conceal my views i the interest of popularity.
most will take mer harshly and consider me crude and mean.
but you do not view the world as i do, and it is different to view a person not with adoratin and forgiveness.... but with a slightly unbiased eye for their human faults.
and humans do have many faults. i onyl wish that humans would see their own flaws so they could rise above them and stop taking the lazy, sometimes distrcutive, easy way out.
can't you see what our communication has become?
TECHNOLOGY! the neweest way to "keep in touch" while you move farther and farther and farther away.
TECHNOLOGY! the neweest way to "keep in touch" while you move farther and farther and farther away.
There's always downsides to a product that connects people all over the world and allows them to be together without regard to race, gender, age, and physical appearance in general. While that is not always the case, when I can communicate with someone in say, Russia, or Singapore or what have you through no other way then the internet, do you say that isn't keeping in touch? We just use what is the easiest and simplist way to keep in touch right now- why mail when you can e-mail, why make a trillion phone calls just for one homework assignment. People adjust. That isn't really a reason to debunk a form of communication, and if you want to be more in touch with other people, take the initiative. Making an effort to see people doesn't make you a loser.
Also, you are human too. No matter how spiritual you are, no matter how much you're connected to something else, you still have the same basic instincts as all of us.
to reach Russia, why not use what technology you have available?
but to reach me, or kayla, or monica, or etc... someone who lives so direly close to you? it's shameful. i cringe at the fact i am answering you...since i myself live so close, as well. i feel badly shamed for it.
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