What I Watched 12/17 - 12/23

Dec 25, 2018 09:04

New (to me) TV:

Jessica Jones 2x03 & 2x04
The Vampire Diaries 8x03
Kings of Con 1x01 - 1x10
Elementary 6x01 - 6x21
Runaways 2x01

Re-Watched TV:

The Flash
Gilmore Girls
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina


Kings of Con is on CW Seed now apparently. Season 6 of Elementary is finally up on Hulu, so I ended up binging that pretty hard. I'm not really sure why I'm still trying to slog through the last season of The Vampire Diaries, but here we are. I just can't binge watch Jessica Jones, way too stressful.

This entry was originally posted at https://fadedwings.dreamwidth.org/2223140.html. Please comment at either site.

what i watched

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