Original Fiction: Unsent (double drabble)

Dec 18, 2018 00:00

Title: unsent
Fandom: Original
Length: 200 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: some swearing
Written for 
picture_prompt_fun  advent day #17. Prompt photo here.

Emily looked at the stack of unsent Christmas cards scattered on her kitchen table and sighed. She'd been meaning to get her act together and send out cards for the holiday since Thanksgiving.

She sat down at the table and pushed the cards around. She'd filled out a few of them, but most were still blank. It wasn't as if she had a lot of people to send cards to. Just the usual family members along with a handful of friends she had long since fallen out of touch with, but still had addresses for. Emily wasn't really a people person, but you didn't really need to be to send out holiday cards.

Time had done its usual thing and passed her by and now here it was five days into the new year and the cards still sat on the table, unsent. It was too late to send them out for Christmas, it was even too late to use them as New Year's cards. One of these days Emily was totally going to get her shit together, just probably not any time soon. She gathered the cards and stuffed them into the junk drawer. She'd try again next Christmas.

original fic, my original fic, double drabble, picture prompt fun, #17

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