Lethal Weapon (TV) - Fanfic - around the edges (drabble)

Jan 02, 2018 15:31

Title: around the edges
Fandom: Lethal Weapon (TV)
Character: Martin Riggs
Rating: Teen
Words: 100
Warnings: no standard warnings apply
Summary: little drabble about Martin Riggs first thing in the morning
Ao3 Link

Martin claws his way to wakefulness, riding rough out of a dream. Miranda alive and singing their son a lullaby. Memories of things that never happened; that will never happen.

He reaches for the whiskey bottle was sure he left nearby. Finding it, he takes a swig. A spot of warmth spreads through him. For half a breath he feels almost okay.

Hunger gnaws at him and he takes another swig. Martin knows there’s nothing worth eating in his fridge. He can’t even remember the last time he went shopping for something other than booze. What did it even matter?

lethal weapon, drabble, martin riggs, my fanfic, fanfic

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