Dress: Please, wear bright colors, and dress comfortably. Barbara wouldn't want anyone to have heat stroke, nor would she want a lot of people wearing black "mourning" clothes. The intent is to celebrate her life.
Food: Potluck, covered dish meal after the service. Bring enough for you and your family, and maybe one or two others. Whatever you like. If you can think of something you know she liked, that works for covered dish, then by all means, do that.
Time: Arrive by 3pm. Depart, well whenever you want. This much I will tell you, though, I dare anyone to try to make me leave before sunset. I will see the full moon at dark.
http://magickal-arts.org/spirithaven_directions.php More questions? Call myself or
greeneyedpagan. Or leave a comment where you are reading this. Whatever works best for you.
ETA: More info from Sunshine (
sollite ) which you can read if you are on FB:
http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=448126334531 She'd like to coordinate the potluck so that we don't end up with everyone bringing the exact same thing. Wise young lady. Also, she reminds you to bring camp chairs just in case, and that we are requesting In lieu of flowers, donations to a children's or seniors' charity of your choice has been requested. That said, if anybody would like to pick up flowers or some small pretty things to put on an altar we'll have for her, please do so!!!
Originally posted at