South Dakota Legislature To Consider Abortion BanKELO Television, Sioux Falls SD
A bill that would ban abortion in the state will be introduced within the next two days.
The bill will be called the Woman's Health and Life Protection Act. It will ban abortion, but won't prosecute a doctor who performs one to save a woman's life.
And the lawmaker who's introducing the bill says he thinks now is the right time to try and over-turn Roe vs Wade.
Rep. Roger Hunt says, "Abortion should be banned."
Need any more reason to oppose Alito? These nut jobs like him. That should be enough for any free-thinking progressive.
Sunday, Hunt and other anti-abortion advocates held an event promoting their legislation. They say now is the time to pass it, because other states are considering similar bills and because with new Chief Justice John Roberts, and possibly Samuel Alito, the US Supreme Court is changing.
Hunt says, "Two very solid, we feel, pro-life candidates. Again you never know but based on their testimony to the senate we feel they're good candidates."
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The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on Alito's nomination on Tuesday, January 24. Send a message to your senator today: Judge Alito is wrong for America.