Finally got a chance to get to GameStop and pick up my copy of F.3.A.R. ( which is to say FEAR 3) and Riley wanted the new American McGee's Alice.
I've played through the first part of FEAR and I gotta say I'm really digging Paxton Fellel. I know the guy is seriously damaged but damn if he doesn't make homicidal killing sprees fun. See, I can say that cause I'm old enough that no one worries if I'm going to mimic the virtual violence that is the gooey goodness of my game-playing addiction.
Can't speak about Alice since I haven't played it but if what I saw is any indication the game is certainly pretty.
So, today will be game playing with a break to go with oldest to dentist then shopping. She wants to load up on pool toys and towels--Edie will be at Hilton Head all next week so we'll be 'pooling it'.
By the way -- it is fucking HOT in SC and the humidity is killer. Yes, I went there...